One sunny afternoon, I tried paraglading for the first time in my life! I had never thought about trying it until Iris's then boyfriend (now husband) talked about it. Originally, Iris's husband, Iris, my sister and I wanted to take a few days off to paraglide last year. However, they were busy arranging their wedding ceremony. That's why we never made it. Anyhow, this year, I went to Feicui Bay with my sister's friends Jay, Yuanyuan and their colleagues, and I finally know what it feels like to soar in the sky.
在某艷陽高照的好日子,我生平第一次嘗試玩飛行傘! 在此之前,一開始是懶人二號的朋友"陳氏夫妻"提議的。原本我們是計劃去年要跟他們一起去台東鹿野鄉玩飛行傘,且如果時間允許,順便去關山鎮騎腳踏車。不過他們去年忙婚事,今年也有別的計劃,所以飛行傘之旅,在我的努力催促下,是跟懶人二號的其他朋友揪團下完成。
When you see this sign, you know that you're at the flying site. 看到這標示就知道我們到達目的地啦! 嗚呼!
Even overseas residents wanted to try it, but I never saw them fly in the sky. 連阿斗娃都來插一腳。不過我始終沒看到他們玩。聽他們對話的語言感覺像東歐語。不然就是我聽力有待加強。XD
View from the top of hill. When I saw Feicui Bay and the sea, I felt that I was lucky to be living in Taiwan. Living on this island means that it's quite easy for us to get to the beach. 這是從翡翠灣上頭的小丘頂端拍的。看到這景緻讓我覺得生在寶島台灣真的是好幸福好幸福,可以那麼方便就到達海邊,倘佯在一片蔚藍的大海裡。
We need this "balloon" to know if the wind is strong enough for us to take off. 這是用來測風速的喔!
Coaches flying in the air. 教練自行翱翔在天空,多麼愜意自在呀!
Close-up. 近拍。
Another close-up. 再來一張近拍。
To try paragliding, you need to pay NT$1000, and NT$600 for the second attempt on the same day. Then the staff will give you a card like this. Let's have a look at some photos I took from the air. 這是我們的飛行卡喔! 要先報名,填具姓名等資料,繳費完後,就可以拿到這張卡。要飛行前,教練會先將卡收著,然後準備起飛。 接下來我們來看我在空中拍的照片吧!
Due to the direction of wind, I hardly saw much of the beach. Mostly I saw hills and mountains... Honestly, I was not very satisfied with what I saw... I so wanted to fly out to sea... 因為風向的因素,我幾乎是看到山頭,嗚嗚。看到海邊比較美啦! 不過無奈我幾乎看不到海,都是看到幾秒鐘的海,又轉向山頭了。
That was really close to trees, wasn't it? According to a boy who also flied, he told us that if the trees were moving, it means that there must have been some wind over there. 這真的是很靠近樹吧! 有團友說如果樹林在動,就表示那邊有風。
Ocean! I guess that on the right side of this photo, we can see Jinguashi at a distance. I went to Jinguashi with my sister, Jay and his colleagues a couple of months ago. That was an enjoyable trip, and that's also where I saw people flying and I asked those guys if they wanted to paraglide. Surprisingly, they were interested in it! 海洋! 照片右邊看起來很像我兩個月前去的金瓜石。那次我跟懶人二號是跟她朋友小傑還有小傑的同事一起去那邊玩。就是在那裡看到有人玩飛行傘,我就提議要不要下回一起去玩飛行傘,沒想到他們居然說好! 真是出乎我意料之外。
Bustling roads. 忙碌的道路。
Our take-off site. 我們的飛行場。遠方的小丘好美,看了就覺得心曠神怡。
Flying back to the take-off site. I was about to land on the same take-off site. Some people flied over the sea and they landed on the beach. I'm not sure which way would be better. Anyway, my total flight time was 10 minutes. One of the boys we hanged out together flied in the air for 14 minutes. I asked him how he managed to do that, and he told us that he talked to the coach who was behind him all the time - non-stop. At some point, the wind was twirling, and they were nearly tumbling. Fortunately nothing happened. The coach even asked the guy if he wanted to fly over cars and tried to "bounce" on those cars... What a crazy idea. 準備飛回去飛行場。我們當中有人是飛往海邊的方向,直接降落在海灘。我不知到哪種方式比較好,感覺他們這樣的玩法比較可以看到更多海景。我的飛行時間總共是10分鐘 - 不多不少。聽說有人只玩大概5分鐘。我們這團當中有個男生玩14分鐘。我請教他秘訣。除了足夠的風之外,他說他一路都跟教練哈拉,誇讚教練技術好,教練自然而然想展現他十八般武藝,還問這男生想不想飛到馬路上,然後像蜻蜓點水般在汽車上跳躍。真的是誇張。
Haha, I took a photo of this innocent model to show you what "gear" we had to put on before paragliding. 這名無辜的模特兒被我拍進去 - 主要是要你們看我們飛行前的裝備。
Photo #1. Getting started. 準備起飛。後面有人推。 Photo #2. Took off! 終於起飛囉! (不是每個人一試就OK,有人嘗試3次才成功。)
Photo #3. Enjoy your flight. 享受飛行的快樂。不過你要是問我,到底飛行傘好不好玩,我覺得飛機起飛那一刻還比玩飛行傘來得刺激好玩。(也不知道自己在high什麼。) 而且飛行途中我往下看,老實說還有點怕怕的,很怕繩索支撐不夠,無法應付兩個人(教練跟我)的體重,所以擔心隨時會掉進樹林裡。
Here's a video I took - Paragliding in Feicuei Bay, Taiwan - Beach [在萬里鄉翡翠灣玩飛行傘 - 海灣篇]
Website 翡翠灣野馬飛行傘網站:
Fee : NT$1000; for the second attempt on the same day: NT$600; birthday-boys or girls get 10% off.
費用: 1000元。同一天玩2次,第二次則是600元。若當日是壽星則為900元。建議揪團盡量湊足10人以上比較好。
When: to be precise, you'd better call the coach to find out if it's flyable at Feicui Bay.
何時可以飛行: 看當日風的狀態來定。可以事前打電話問野馬飛行俱樂部教練(到上述網站找囉!)。